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Idleness makes you Unhappy – not Happy!

I am sure you must have surely heard ‘Empty mind, Devil’s workshop’
This is not just a quote but a very fact of life! Says the Top Motivational Speaker,  Sriram Athri.
A human brain is the trickiest organ to understand. It has its own ways of functioning. A normal misconception of people is, ‘Doing nothing is the best job.’ People generally hold this perspective and believe that going to work is the worst baggage they have to carry and their life will be amazing if they’ll have nothing to do.

top motivational speaker

 But things work otherwise!

Generally, when you are busy in life, you have less time to think over unnecessary things like other people’s lives, judgments, comparisons & gossips and thus you attract less negativity around you. But when you have more time, things work vice versa, instead of using your time on positive things, your mind keeps wandering around useless things and you end up attracting negativity.

Why does this happen?

One basic way our mind functions is, when it is ideal it focuses on what can go wrong with your life instead of what can go right
It is ironical but jobs are actually easier to enjoy than free time. The reason is, your mind likes to be challenged, it likes the feel of achievement and it wants to have more winning situations in life. While you are working, you face many smaller tasks and overcome little obstacles which give your mind a sense of achievement and makes it feel worthy. Free time, on the other hand, is unstructured and ends up giving you a feeling of doing nothing and unworthiness

According to my experience, says the keynote speaker, I have made the following analysis:

Ø  The people who are Free in Life have the maximum problems and issues. And unwillingly they end up being frustrated and hurt the closest of people in their lives. As they have a lot of free time, they constantly keep comparing themselves to others and end up being angry and irritated for no reason.

Ø  The people who are half (Semi) busy in life have comparatively lesser problems than ideal people. Generally, they face the problems of ‘People-related issues’   arising out of judgments of others, gossiping, cribbing and unnecessary solutions or pieces of advice.  These are the people who live in a grey zone – they are happy that at least they are doing something in life and are better than the above-mentioned people but at the same time they envy the successes of the truly busy ones

Ø  The last bunch of the people are the ones who are purposefully busy in their lives. These are the kind of people are the ones who actually DO NOT HAVE TIME for problems or overthinking.  Their life has challenges to accomplish every day and thus they get trained in doing things instead of thinking ‘how to do things.’  As these people are always working, they accomplish many goals and are most satisfied by themselves leading to least problems in life.

Thus it is suggested that the best way to live is by getting yourself busy. Because worrying is like running on a treadmill, No matter what distance you cover, you are actually at the same place! 

Concludes the Motivational Speaker in Mumbai,  Athriji.


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